
Echoes Of A Proud Nation Pow Wow

1 min read

This is an event that aims to promote a friendly atmosphere between Kahnawà:ke, its neighbors, and visitors from different parts of the globe.
Year after year, crowds of people head to this area to take part in Pow Wow. They are then treated to an incredible array of indigenous works of art and artifacts.
Apart from this, they also get to experience local food, dance, and songs.
While the 2021 edition of the event was canceled, there is no doubt that future iterations are going to give you the cultural fix that you have been looking for….

This is an event that aims to promote a friendly atmosphere between Kahnawà:ke, its neighbors, and visitors from different parts of the globe.
Year after year, crowds of people head to this area to take part in Pow Wow. They are then treated to an incredible array of indigenous works of art and artifacts.
Apart from this, they also get to experience local food, dance, and songs.
While the 2021 edition of the event was canceled, there is no doubt that future iterations are going to give you the cultural fix that you have been looking for….



1 min read

The so-called creator’s game, lacrosse is a fast-paced sport that has its roots in indigenous culture. You might not have known that it has been around prior to any European contact.
In North America, it has always played a huge role in the spiritual life and community of various Nations.
Victories have always brought honor and pride to the winning team and their respective village. Lacrosse has always been a key contribution of indigenous traditions to present-day Canada.
This ancestral sport is truly unique. Make sure to catch an Ahki’Wahcha team game in Wendake in the spring, summer, and fall….

The so-called creator’s game, lacrosse is a fast-paced sport that has its roots in indigenous culture. You might not have known that it has been around prior to any European contact.
In North America, it has always played a huge role in the spiritual life and community of various Nations.
Victories have always brought honor and pride to the winning team and their respective village. Lacrosse has always been a key contribution of indigenous traditions to present-day Canada.
This ancestral sport is truly unique. Make sure to catch an Ahki’Wahcha team game in Wendake in the spring, summer, and fall….

Best Museums

The Native Museum Of Mashteuiatsh

1 min read

Governed by the elements, the Pekuakamiulnuatsh people have a rich culture that is truly their own. They arrived about six millennia ago after the retraction of the glaciers.
The best place to learn more about their history is the Native Museum of Mashteuiatsh. The institution has hundreds of amazing artifacts and objects used by these people.
Without a doubt, a visit will make for a remarkable cultural encounter.
The Pekuakamiulnu u mamihtunelitamun, Spirit of the Pekuakamiulnu is a permanent collective exhibition made by artisans, artists, businesspeople, elders, and the rest of the community.
It serves as a …

Governed by the elements, the Pekuakamiulnuatsh people have a rich culture that is truly their own. They arrived about six millennia ago after the retraction of the glaciers.
The best place to learn more about their history is the Native Museum of Mashteuiatsh. The institution has hundreds of amazing artifacts and objects used by these people.
Without a doubt, a visit will make for a remarkable cultural encounter.
The Pekuakamiulnu u mamihtunelitamun, Spirit of the Pekuakamiulnu is a permanent collective exhibition made by artisans, artists, businesspeople, elders, and the rest of the community.
It serves as a …

Best Museums

Droulers-Tsiionhiakwatha Archaeological Site Interpretation Center

1 min read

In 1450, hundreds of St. Lawrence Iroquoians established settlements along the La Guerre River. This is the location of the Saint-Anicet municipality today.
The site was discovered when a farmer discovered a tiny axe in his fields. Fast forward to the present, archaeologists have discovered a variety of artifacts and remains.
This is one of the biggest Iroquoian villages found in Quebec.
The expert guides at the center will teach you what you need to know about the village in question. The Kionhekwa exhibition is an informative but fun display that offers us a glimpse into the lifestyle of Iroquoians in the 15th …

In 1450, hundreds of St. Lawrence Iroquoians established settlements along the La Guerre River. This is the location of the Saint-Anicet municipality today.
The site was discovered when a farmer discovered a tiny axe in his fields. Fast forward to the present, archaeologists have discovered a variety of artifacts and remains.
This is one of the biggest Iroquoian villages found in Quebec.
The expert guides at the center will teach you what you need to know about the village in question. The Kionhekwa exhibition is an informative but fun display that offers us a glimpse into the lifestyle of Iroquoians in the 15th …

Best Museums

Pointe-Du-Buisson, Musée Québécois D’archéologie

1 min read

You can compare a trip to Pointe-du-Buisson to time travel. For five decades now, this has been the site of archaeological digs.
There is no better place to understand prehistoric Quebec than this National Historic Site along the St. Lawrence River.
After all, it is sitting on one of the biggest sugar maple-hickory stands in the south of the province. Once you visit, you will understand why people have always been drawn to this area.
Footprints Larger than Life is a permanent exhibition devoted to Cambrian paleontology. Archaeologists have found traces of fossils dating back to over 500 million years.
The museum…

You can compare a trip to Pointe-du-Buisson to time travel. For five decades now, this has been the site of archaeological digs.
There is no better place to understand prehistoric Quebec than this National Historic Site along the St. Lawrence River.
After all, it is sitting on one of the biggest sugar maple-hickory stands in the south of the province. Once you visit, you will understand why people have always been drawn to this area.
Footprints Larger than Life is a permanent exhibition devoted to Cambrian paleontology. Archaeologists have found traces of fossils dating back to over 500 million years.
The museum…

Best Museums

La Maison Amérindienne

1 min read

The native-run La Maison Amerindienne is located in a maple stand on Mont-Saint-Hilaire. This is a social economy cultural enterprise that also serves as an exhibition space and hub.
On top of that, it is considered a place for people to simply get together.
Drop by the interpretation trail and head on to the vegetable patch. Here, you are going to find the “Three Sisters” of the Iroquois: beans, corn, and pumpkins.
They do not just grow together but also help the others grow. The wild berry garden will also make for a fun visit. Do not miss out on the Native meal while you are at it either!
Before the …

The native-run La Maison Amerindienne is located in a maple stand on Mont-Saint-Hilaire. This is a social economy cultural enterprise that also serves as an exhibition space and hub.
On top of that, it is considered a place for people to simply get together.
Drop by the interpretation trail and head on to the vegetable patch. Here, you are going to find the “Three Sisters” of the Iroquois: beans, corn, and pumpkins.
They do not just grow together but also help the others grow. The wild berry garden will also make for a fun visit. Do not miss out on the Native meal while you are at it either!
Before the …

Best Museums

The Montreal Museum Of Fine Arts

2 mins read

Did you know that more than one million people pay a visit to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts every year? This popular museum is best known for its collection with more than 41,000 works.
The temporary exhibitions are always excellent as well. There are four pavilions to showcase works of art by the Inuit and Aboriginals.
You will find the Inuit Art collection at the Claire and Marc Bourgie Pavilion of Quebec and Canadian Art. Spanning the whole fourth level, it offers priceless insight into the artistic practice of the Inuit. There are works by past and present artists there.
The exhibition serves as a great peek …

Did you know that more than one million people pay a visit to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts every year? This popular museum is best known for its collection with more than 41,000 works.
The temporary exhibitions are always excellent as well. There are four pavilions to showcase works of art by the Inuit and Aboriginals.
You will find the Inuit Art collection at the Claire and Marc Bourgie Pavilion of Quebec and Canadian Art. Spanning the whole fourth level, it offers priceless insight into the artistic practice of the Inuit. There are works by past and present artists there.
The exhibition serves as a great peek …

Best Museums

Mccord Museum

2 mins read

Established in 1921, the McCord Museum is among the oldest museums in the country. It offers us a marvelous insight to Montreal’s social history of the past and present.
On top of that, it hosts one of the biggest historical collections on the continent. There is a wide array of costumes, textiles, and objects to be enjoyed. Many them will take your breath away.
Check out the permanent exhibition called Wearing Our Identity: The First Peoples Collection. There are a hundred or so garments on display that go all the way back to the 19th century.
There are four themes in this collection: Wearing Our Culture, Wearing …

Established in 1921, the McCord Museum is among the oldest museums in the country. It offers us a marvelous insight to Montreal’s social history of the past and present.
On top of that, it hosts one of the biggest historical collections on the continent. There is a wide array of costumes, textiles, and objects to be enjoyed. Many them will take your breath away.
Check out the permanent exhibition called Wearing Our Identity: The First Peoples Collection. There are a hundred or so garments on display that go all the way back to the 19th century.
There are four themes in this collection: Wearing Our Culture, Wearing …

Best Museums

Pointe-À-Callière, Montréal Archaeology And History Complex

2 mins read

Built on top of the birthplace of Montreal, Pointe-À-Callière holds incredible national importance. It offers so many amazing artifacts and experiences that you will find yourself returning here soon.
This is the place to be if your goal is to learn about the First Peoples and their relationship with fur traders from France.
The multimedia shows are especially popular. We highly recommend Generations MTL, a multimedia show that serves as an introduction to the history of Montreal.
Take this amazing opportunity to listen to six Montrealers as they share with us what they know about their city.
Head on …

Built on top of the birthplace of Montreal, Pointe-À-Callière holds incredible national importance. It offers so many amazing artifacts and experiences that you will find yourself returning here soon.
This is the place to be if your goal is to learn about the First Peoples and their relationship with fur traders from France.
The multimedia shows are especially popular. We highly recommend Generations MTL, a multimedia show that serves as an introduction to the history of Montreal.
Take this amazing opportunity to listen to six Montrealers as they share with us what they know about their city.
Head on …

Best Museums

Jardin Botanique | Montréal Space for Life

2 mins read

The First Nations Garden is a great opportunity to forget about the city life in the meantime. Instead, go back to your roots by joining an activity with a native guide. This is the biggest garden about the First Nations and Inuit not only in Canada.
The shady area has many sunny spots and paths that serve as a place to relax and learn more about these communities at the same time.
The know-how and knowledge exhibitions are going to serve as excellent introductions to the works of Native artists and craftsmen.
Among other things, you are going to be impressed by their birchbark canoes, ash splint baskets, baby carriers…

The First Nations Garden is a great opportunity to forget about the city life in the meantime. Instead, go back to your roots by joining an activity with a native guide. This is the biggest garden about the First Nations and Inuit not only in Canada.
The shady area has many sunny spots and paths that serve as a place to relax and learn more about these communities at the same time.
The know-how and knowledge exhibitions are going to serve as excellent introductions to the works of Native artists and craftsmen.
Among other things, you are going to be impressed by their birchbark canoes, ash splint baskets, baby carriers…